Tisha created Self-Check Productions in 2008 to produce film projects that provoke viewers to think about humanity, empathy, and compassion, rather than being quick to judge other without understanding the complexity of the human psyche. She has worked as an actor, producer, and assistant director on dozens of films and television productions. She considers herself a lifelong scholar as she has taught college classes since she was 22 years old at various colleges and universities in Southern California. She has also taught children of all ages from infancy through adolescence. Her degrees are in Liberal Studies, Child Development, Sociology, and Applied Developmental Psychology. She has worked with special needs children as well as with child abuse survivors and holds a certificate in Child Maltreatment and Family Violence. Although her students refer to her as Professor Rivera, her most valued title is that of mom to her teenage son, Andrew. She is fluently bilingual in Spanish and has been studying Italian for the last three years.
Tisha books our talent for the west coast and Mexico.
Email Tisha: Tisha@Killswitch360Productions.com